Home again
What's going on?
This year, lots of plans have changed. Instead of going to college immediately post-graduation, I decided to take a gap year and move home to Belize. After making this decision, I had to figure out where I would live as it had been years since I'd left.
My two older brothers (now both overseas attending university) used to split a little outdoor cabana situation as their childhood bedrooms so I decided to steal their unused rooms and make it my own little studio/ bedroom/ safe haven for my year off school.
Unfortunately, there was so much work that had to be done. In total, this remodel took about 2 months.
Here's what we had to work with in the beginning.
Pretty drab huh? So here's everything we did in those 2 months condensed into one list:
tear down the middle wall
rebuild small divider wall
remove old windows and the extra door
lift the roof to allow more sunlight
sand and refinish wood floors
paint walls and ceiling
weld new window frames
put up new windows
install ceiling fans/ A/C unit
sew curtains/ make curtain rod system
other details like windowsills and shelves and etc.
The remodeling in progress!
Two months of work later, this was the final result. Let me assure you, I have never been more excited to finish a project before in my life. (Most of this was done in the late September Belizean heat... I lost 10lbs from just sweating🥴)
As you come to end of this remodeling journey, here is a picture of my plants Phineas and Herb before they completely died (I am aware that neither plants are actual herbs)
Remodeling the room where I'll be spending my gap year was quite a fulfilling experience.
Sending love and hot weather from Belize!
x Joy